Mobile phones are an indispensable ally in our personal and professional life: they help us organize our agenda, keep in touch with the world and offer entertainment.
In the same way, they are also a great tool to develop a more sustainable way of life thanks to the large number of applications designed to use resources more efficiently, boost savings and take care of the environment. Discover some of these apps to achieve a sustainable development in this gallery.
Your job is to present a smartphone application which is about sustainable development.
Step 1 :
Your teacher will give you an application.
Step 2 :
Go online and find information about it.
- What is it about ?
- Who created it ?
- Why is it about sustainable development ?
- Who uses it ?
- How does it work ?
- Etc.
Step 3 :
Prepare a slideshow the application.
- Use just images and keywords to illustrate your speech.
- You have to take screen shots of the use of the application to explain how it works.
Step 4 :
Prepare a questionnaire.
You have to produce a questionnaire for your audience.
In this questionnaire, you have to ask 3 questions about your subject.
During the presentation, your audience will follow your presentation and take notes.
At the end of your presentation, you will show the questionnaire to your classmates (last slide of your power point).
Then, you will correct the questionnaire by asking your audience each question.