Final project presentation

Follow the different points for the presentation of the final part of your project. Work with your teammates and produce an individual slideshow. A reminder of what your project is about Description of your individual tasks Research of solutions Present the conception of your solution task = tâche                survey = questionnaire/ étude provide = fournir         requirements Lire plus …

Smart city report

General instructions With your mate you have to make an audio report about a smart city. One of you has to play the part of the interviewer, the other one will play the part of the mayor of the city you will present. The report has to be presented in 3 points : The interviewer’s Lire plus …

My british series website

Part 1 : Create a website in English To work in connection with the unit BRITISH CHARACTERS from your English class, you’re going to invent your own british series and create a website to present it (= a TV series that is set in UK, showing characters that are of British nationality). You can take Lire plus …

Project presentation n°1

Follow the different points for the presentation of the first part of your project. Work with your teammates and produce a common slideshow. Presentation of your team (distribution of tasks = who does what?) (ITEC = mechanical engineering student / SIN = computer science student)  General presentation of the project  General context of the project Lire plus …

Describe an image

You’re going to work individually. You’ll have an funny image showing a technical and/or illustrating a technical idea. You will have to prepare a 2 or 3-minutes talk about this image/object/idea. Teachers will assign to you a number. This number correponds to your image that you can find in the compressed folder here: To help Lire plus …

Tutorial creation

You have to write a tutorial on Microsoft Power Point to teach someone to use a software. Creation (sessions 1 to 3) SIN : Write a tutorial to teach someone how to program a 3D animation thanks to the software Alice. The animation have to looks like a scene from a film. To learn how Lire plus …

CES 2020

Step 1 : Choose a topic. 5G and Internet of Things (5G, smart cities, sustainability) Automotive (self-driving cars, vehicle technology) Audio & Video (television, headphones, hi-fi) Health & Wellness (accessibility, digital health, fitness & wearables) Home & Family (smart home, lifestyle, travel & tourism) Immersive Entertainment (augmented & virtual reality, gaming) Robotic & Machine Intelligence Lire plus …